export control control de exportaciones

Export Control FinCEN Red Flags

November 2023

On 11/6/23, the Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) and FinCEN issued a joint notice regarding export control evasion highlighting a new Suspicious Activity Report key term (“FIN-2023-GLOBALEXPORT”) for financial institutions to reference when reporting potential efforts

  • Foodman Website and JD Supra
terrorist financing financiamiento del terrorismo

Terrorist Financing FinCEN Red Flags

November 2023

On 10/20/23, Terrorist Financing Red Flags were issued by FinCEN to assist financial institutions in identifying funding streams for the terrorist organization Hamas in response to Hamas’s terrorist attack on the people of Israel.  FinCEN is urging financial institutions including

  • Foodman Website and JD Supra
tax gap Brecha Fiscal

The Tax Gap Increased to $688 Billion in Tax Year 2021

November 2023

On 10/12/23 announced new tax gap projections for tax years 2020 and 2021 showing the projected gross tax gap increased to $688 billion in tax year 2021, a rise of more than $192 billion from the prior estimates for tax

  • Foodman Website and JD Supra
data theft robo de datos

Robo de Datos: Señales de advertencia del IRS

November 2023

La campaña de concientización del IRS para el verano de 2023 se centra en las señales de robo de datos y la importancia de mantenerse alerta contra amenazas nuevas y continuas a la identidad relacionada con los impuestos para proteger

  • Foodman Website and JD Supra
identity theft robo de identidad

Robo de identidad: Que hacer y no Hacer para Protegerse

October 2023

El IRS concluyó su serie especial de verano con importantes recordatorios a los profesionales de impuestos y a los contribuyentes para que se protejan contra el robo de identidad. Los recordatorios para los profesionales de impuestos y los contribuyentes para

  • Foodman Website and JD Supra
export control control de exportaciones

Control de Exportaciones: Señales de Alerta de FinCEN

November 2023

El 6/11/23, la Oficina de Industria y Seguridad (“BIS” o “Bureau of Industry and Security”) del Departamento de Comercio y FinCEN emitieron un Aviso Conjunto sobre la evasión del control de exportaciones destacando un nuevo término clave del Reporte de

  • Foodman Website and JD Supra
terrorist financing financiamiento del terrorismo

Financiamiento del Terrorismo: Señales de Alerta de FinCEN

November 2023

El 20/10/23, FinCEN emitió Señales de Alerta (“Red Flags”) sobre el Financiamiento del Terrorismo para ayudar a las instituciones financieras a identificar flujos de financiamiento para la organización terrorista Hamás en respuesta al ataque terrorista de Hamás contra el pueblo

  • Foodman Website and JD Supra
accountants and lawyers contadores y abogados

Contadores o Abogados Pueden Tener Requisitos de Presentación de Informes según el CTA

November 2023

El 18 de septiembre del 2023, FinCEN publicó la Guía de Cumplimiento para Pequeñas Entidades para la presentación de informes sobre beneficiarios finales (BOI) bajo la Ley de Transparencia Corporativa (CTA) y simultáneamente actualizó las preguntas frecuentes (FAQs) sobre el

  • Foodman Website and JD Supra
accountants and lawyers contadores y abogados

Accountants or Lawyers May Have Reporting Requirements under the CTA

November 2023

On 9/18/23, FinCEN published the Small Entity Compliance Guide for beneficial ownership information (BOI) reporting under the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) and simultaneously updated the FAQs regarding CTA compliance under FinCEN’s BOI FAQs. Professional Service Providers such as accountants or

  • Foodman Website and JD Supra
fake charities scam estafa organizaciones beneficas

Fake Charities Scam Warning

November 2023

On 10/23/23, the IRS issued a warning to taxpayers regarding Fake Charities scams and how unsuspecting donors may actually be contributing to fake charities and not be able to deduct donations on their tax returns despite the taxpayers response to

  • Foodman Website and JD Supra
Artificial Intelligence Inteligencia Artificial

Artificial Intelligence to Assist IRS with Tax Cheats

November 2023

On 9/20/23, the IRS announced that it plans to establish a special area to focus on large or complex pass-through entities to help with high-income compliance efforts.  With the assistance of improved technology as well as Artificial Intelligence, the IRS

  • Foodman Website and JD Supra
Art donaciones de arte

Art Donation Scheme Warning from IRS

November 2023

On 10/5/23, the IRS issued a warning and offered tips to all taxpayers, including, High-Net-Worth  taxpayers (high income filers) to be on the lookout for promotions that promise art donation deductions that are a tax scheme.  Although there are legitimate

  • Foodman Website and JD Supra
