Foodman CPAs and Advisors

“Substantial Control” under the CTA

substantial control control substancial

FinCEN’s Small Entity Compliance Guide published 9/18/23 defines a beneficial owner as any individual who, directly or indirectly: exercises substantial control over a reporting company or owns or controls at least 25 percent of the ownership interests of a reporting company. This means that an individual person may be a beneficial owner through substantial control, […]

Export Control FinCEN Red Flags

export control control de exportaciones

On 11/6/23, the Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) and FinCEN issued a joint notice regarding export control evasion highlighting a new Suspicious Activity Report key term (“FIN-2023-GLOBALEXPORT”) for financial institutions to reference when reporting potential efforts by individuals or entities seeking to evade U.S. export controls NOT related to Russia’s invasion […]

Terrorist Financing FinCEN Red Flags

terrorist financing financiamiento del terrorismo

On 10/20/23, Terrorist Financing Red Flags were issued by FinCEN to assist financial institutions in identifying funding streams for the terrorist organization Hamas in response to Hamas’s terrorist attack on the people of Israel.  FinCEN is urging financial institutions including virtual asset service providers (VASPs) to be vigilant in identifying suspicious activity relating to financing […]

The Tax Gap Increased to $688 Billion in Tax Year 2021

tax gap Brecha Fiscal

On 10/12/23 announced new tax gap projections for tax years 2020 and 2021 showing the projected gross tax gap increased to $688 billion in tax year 2021, a rise of more than $192 billion from the prior estimates for tax years 2014-2016 and a rise of $138 billion from the revised projections for tax years […]

Accountants or Lawyers May Have Reporting Requirements under the CTA

accountants and lawyers contadores y abogados

On 9/18/23, FinCEN published the Small Entity Compliance Guide for beneficial ownership information (BOI) reporting under the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) and simultaneously updated the FAQs regarding CTA compliance under FinCEN’s BOI FAQs. Professional Service Providers such as accountants or lawyers can potentially have reporting requirements under the CTA even if they are not beneficial […]

Fake Charities Scam Warning

fake charities scam estafa organizaciones beneficas

On 10/23/23, the IRS issued a warning to taxpayers regarding Fake Charities scams and how unsuspecting donors may actually be contributing to fake charities and not be able to deduct donations on their tax returns despite the taxpayers response to the donation call to given the tragic crises  and natural disasters happening around the globe […]

Artificial Intelligence to Assist IRS with Tax Cheats

Artificial Intelligence AI Inteligencia Artificial RIF de IA

On 9/20/23, the IRS announced that it plans to establish a special area to focus on large or complex pass-through entities to help with high-income compliance efforts.  With the assistance of improved technology as well as Artificial Intelligence, the IRS compliance teams will be better able to detect tax cheating, identify emerging compliance threats and […]

Art Donation Scheme Warning from IRS

Art donaciones de arte

On 10/5/23, the IRS issued a warning and offered tips to all taxpayers, including, High-Net-Worth  taxpayers (high income filers) to be on the lookout for promotions that promise art donation deductions that are a tax scheme.  Although there are legitimate ways that taxpayers can claim donations of art, there are unscrupulous promoters may use direct […]

OFAC Suspends Certain Venezuela Sanctions

Office of Foreign Asset Control OFAC OFAC RPPR Regla Final Interina

On 10/18/23, OFAC provided issued sanctions relief to Venezuela entities in the following sectors:  oil and gas, state-owned gold mining company and Venezuelan sovereign bonds and PdVSA (Petróleos de Venezuela, S.A.)  debt and equity.  OFAC cautioned that it is prepared to revoke these authorizations, if appropriate, to support US foreign policy and national security priorities. […]

FinCEN BOI Small Business Guide

FinCEN Guide FinCEN Guía Identificador FinCEN

On September 18, 2023, the FinCEN BOI Small Business Guide was released to assist the small business community in complying with the beneficial ownership information (BOI) reporting rule that starts January 1, 2024.  The purpose of the FinCEN 56-page BOI Guide is to help small businesses understand the description of each of the BOI reporting […]

Understanding Trusts so You are not mislead by the word “Trust”


Trusts are vehicles that can assist in the preservation of wealth and property for future generations, protect assets, or carry out a charitable purpose. A trust is an entity created and governed under the state law in which it was formed. A trust involves the creation of a fiduciary relationship between a grantor, a trustee, […]

New IRS Compliance Efforts

IRS compliance

On 9/823, the IRS announced new compliance efforts that will focus on increasing scrutiny on high-income taxpayers, partnerships, corporations and promoters abusing tax rules on the books by using Artificial Intelligence and improved technology to identify sophisticated schemes to avoid taxes.  The new IRS compliance efforts are geared towards having the IRS compliance teams better […]