Foodman CPAs and Advisors

FBI Is Focused On Professional Service Providers

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James C. Barnacle, Chief of the Money Laundering Unit in the Financial Crimes Section, Criminal Investigation Division, of the FBI recently stated that there is a RENEWED emphasis on investigations targeting “ money laundering” middlemen, also known as third-party facilitators. Barnacle said: “Our focus is on third-party facilitators”. “They include, among others, lawyers, accountants, and […]

Bankers, Do your US Clients tell you everything that you need to know?

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Given the information publicly revealed by “Panama Papers”, and recent IRS reminders to out-of-compliance US Taxpayers to come into full compliance with their federal tax obligations, it is critical that Bankers and Financial Institutions educate their clients regarding banking industry Customer Due Diligence (CDD) guidelines. FATCA reporting exchanges took place in 2015 and 2016. When […]

¿Sabe usted el propósito de los Procedimientos de Presentación de Cumplimiento Racionalizados?

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Procedimientos Racionalizados de Presentación de Cumplimiento (Streamlined Filing Compliance Procedures) es una de las opciones disponibles para los contribuyentes Estadounidenses con activos e ingresos financieros extranjeros no autoreportados. Está destinado a los contribuyentes que han actuado no-intencionalmente. El Proceso está disponible para los contribuyentes Estadounidenses en su capacidad Individual y para las sucesiones que no […]

Do you know the purpose of the Streamlined Filing Compliance Procedures?

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Streamlined Filing Compliance Procedures (Streamlined) is one of the options available for US Taxpayers with unreported foreign financial assets and income. It is intended for the Taxpayers that have acted non-willfully. The Streamlined process is available to US individual Taxpayers and Estates that have failed to report foreign financial assets and pay all the taxes […]

Cuando FATCA y los Programas de Amnistía Fiscal se cruzan, ¿será demasiado tarde para los contribuyentes Estadounidenses?

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Las Instituciones Financieras extranjeras (FFIs) y las autoridades fiscales de los países anfitriones le han proporcionado al IRS con una segunda ronda de informes de información sobre cuentas financieras mantenidas por los contribuyentes Estadounidenses. Este intercambio de información es automatizado y estandarizado entre las autoridades fiscales de los gobiernos, el IRS y también directamente de […]

When FATCA and Tax Amnesty Programs intersect, will it be too late for US Taxpayers?

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Foreign Financial Institutions (FFIs) and host country tax authorities have provided IRS with a second round of information reports on financial accounts held by US Taxpayers. This exchange of information is automated and standardized among Government Tax Authorities and IRS, also directly by FFIs in Non-IGA and IGA 2 Countries. IRS has information from over […]

Global Radar’s CEO Commentary on De-Risking 101 Webinar

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Global Radar’s CEO Commentary on De-Risking 101 Webinar featuring Stanley Foodman De-Risking is defined as a situation where financial institutions terminate or restrict business relationships with certain categories of customer. The concept of “De-Risking” as it pertains to the financial services landscape of the United States is not a new development by any means. […]

Should Professional Service Providers Assume Greater AML Vigilance Responsibilities?

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Should Professional Service Providers Assume Greater AML Vigilance Responsibilities? was published by JD Supra on 8/8/16. Because they are known as “gatekeepers” in the financial industry, Professional Service Providers (PSPs), Bankers, Brokers, Realtors, Casino Managers, Trust Fund Managers, Money Managers, etc., carry a level of responsibility and share financial intelligence according to the Financial Action […]

On-boarding and Off-boarding Bank Clients

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On-boarding and Off-boarding Bank Clients was published by JD Supra on 8/1/16. After the Panama Papers, and with the recent FinCEN final Customer Due Diligence (CDD) rule, U.S. financial institutions are further focused on tightening internal controls against money laundering, terrorist financing, sanctions prevention, compliance and anti-money laundering systems.  And, because some bank accounts have […]