Foodman CPAs and Advisors

Mail From the IRS

mail from the IRS Correo del IRS

For the most part, Taxpayers do not want to receive mail from the IRS or open mail from the IRS. This is why IRS issued Tax Tip 2024-45 on May 6, 2024 to let taxpayers  know what taxpayers should do if they receive mail from the IRS.  Receiving mail from the IRS can be worrisome […]

Access to BOI: FinCEN Phased Approach

BOI Access & Safeguards Acceso a BOI

On 4/18/24, FinCEN updated its FAQ Section and added a new section titled “Access to BOI Information”. This new section addresses the phased approach from FinCEN to providing access to BOI – beneficial ownership information – as FinCEN is not currently accepting requests for access to BOI. FinCEN states that it will provide further guidance […]

Offer in Compromise: Opportunity to Solve Tax Debt

Offer in compromise OIC Mills Molinos de "OIC" Ofrecimiento de Transacción

IRS issued  Tax Tip 2024-37, April 24, 2024, to inform taxpayers that can’t pay their full tax debt or if paying would cause financial hardship, that they should consider applying for an offer in compromise which is a program that could provide an opportunity to eligible taxpayers to solve their tax debt with the IRS […]

How to Amend a Tax Return?

Amend a tax return Enmendar Declaración de Impuestos

The IRS released Tax Tip 2024-38, April 25, 2024, to explain to taxpayers how to amend a tax return.  If a taxpayer discovers an error after filing their return, the taxpayer may need to amend a tax return. IRS states that when a taxpayer realizes that their federal tax return has a math error, missing […]

Dirty Dozen 2024

docena suciadozen for dirty dozen docena sucia

On 4/11/24, the IRS concluded the release of the Dirty Dozen 2024.  The Dirty Dozen is an annual taxpayer awareness campaign which began in 2002 listing twelve scams and schemes that place taxpayers, businesses, and the tax professional community at risk of losing money, personal information, data and more. The Dirty Dozen 2024 is an […]

Tax Strategies and Schemes to Avoid Taxes at IRS Forefront

Tax Strategies and Schemes to Avoid Taxes Estrategias y Esquemas Tributarios para Evitar Impuestos

On 4/11/24, the IRS wrapped up its 2024 Dirty Dozen List with a “warning to taxpayers regarding promoters selling bogus tax strategies and fraudulent offshore schemes designed to reduce or avoid taxes altogether”.  Tax strategies and schemes to avoid taxes remain a high priority for the IRS. “Taxpayers should be wary of anything that seeks […]

Social Media Tax Advice Can Lead to Trouble

social media redes sociales

On 4/8/24, the IRS continued updating the Dirty Dozen list for 2024 including how social media tax advice can lead taxpayers to trouble as inaccurate or misleading tax information is circulating.  IRS is re-issuing a warning, just like they did in 2023,  regarding trusting social media tax advice that can lure taxpayers and tax professionals […]

Can You Appeal the IRS?

appeal IRS apelar al IRS

Taxpayers have the right to appeal the IRS. Understanding how to appeal the IRS is critical and Taxpayers ought to consider retaining representation in order to diminish the risks of litigation. Only attorneys, certified public accountants or enrolled agents are allowed to represent a taxpayer before Appeals. An appeals office is the only level of […]

High Net Worth Individuals get Warning from IRS

high net worth individuals individuos de alto patrimonio

On 4/10/24, as part of its Dirty Dozen Campaign for 2024, the IRS issued a warning to High Net Worth Individuals regarding three tax traps designed for them by dishonest promoters and shady tax practitioners. High Net Worth individuals continue to be targets of tax schemes and aggressive tax strategies designed to reduce taxes. Examples […]

Is it a Hobby or Business?

hobby or business hobby o negocio

Taxpayers may be faced with the question: “Is it a hobby or business?”  The IRS states that: “sometimes the line between having a hobby and running a business can be confusing, but knowing the difference is important because hobbies and businesses are treated differently when it’s time to file a tax return. The biggest difference […]

Employee Retention Credit part of the IRS Dirty Dozen

employee retention credit Crédito Retención Empleados

On 3/29/24, the IRS continued the release of the Dirty Dozen scams for 2024 with a warning to businesses and others to stay clear from promoters and marketers that stir ineligible business to submit incorrect Employee Retention Credit claims.  The IRS warning clearly states that business owners should contact a trusted professional advisor to “avoid […]

Passport Revocation or Denial continues

passport revocation Revocación o Denegación de Pasaporte

On 1/1/24, the IRS updated its Passport Revocation or Denial Page in cases of certain unpaid taxes.  Section 7345 of the Internal Revenue Code requires the U.S. Department of the Treasury  to notify the U.S. Department of State if a certification is made that an individual has a “seriously delinquent tax debt.” The Internal Revenue […]