Foodman CPAs and Advisors

Is there help on the Way for the De-risked?

de risk

Rising compliance costs, hard to understand corporate client structures, fines and penalties, a shift from corporate responsibility to individual liability, and reputational concerns have led many US Financial Institutions (“FI”) to de-risk or end customer relationships as along with the offering of certain banking products.  The consequential correspondent account closures result in “bank-less” or “de-risked” […]

Foreign Bank and the New Longer Arm of the US Treasury and DOJ

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Before passage of the AML ACT of 2020 (the “ACT”), The US Department of the Treasury, and the US Justice Department (DOJ) had US legal authority to subpoena foreign banks with US correspondent accounts for related US records including records held in a foreign country. AML ACT of 2020 expands the subpoena reach of the […]

FinCEN provides further SAR Clarity

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On January 19, 2021, FinCEN issued Answers to Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Suspicious Activity Reporting and Other Anti-Money Laundering Considerations.  The answers to seven questions were provided by FinCEN in response to recent Bank Secrecy Act Advisory Group (BSAAG) recommendations, as described in more detail in FinCEN’s Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPRM) on Anti-Money […]

FinCEN provides a Section 314(b) welcomed clarification

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Section 314(b) of the USA PATRIOT Act (Sec 314) was drafted by Congress in 2001 to allow financial institutions to work with law enforcement agencies and with each other to support the common goal of deterring money laundering and terrorist financing.  It provides financial institutions with the ability to share information with one another (under […]

The Anti-Money Laundering Act of 2020 may be a Game-Changer for Compliance Professionals

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On December 2, 2020, the ‘‘William M. (Mac) Thornberry National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021’’ was passed by the U.S. House of Representatives.  The Act includes DIVISION F (ANTI-MONEY LAUNDERING).  This Division is cited as the ‘‘Anti-Money Laundering Act of 2020’’.    Of significance is the legislative requirement that Corporations and Limited Liability […]

IRS Agents Use Methods of Proof


The IRS has tools inside of its Internal Revenue Manual (“IRM”) available to its agents for determining a Taxpayer’s taxable income as well as documenting its adjustments and corrections through what it calls “Methods of Proof”.  The IRM describes seven Methods of Proof for use by its agents who are pursuing its civil or criminal […]

A Forensic Accountant digs beneath the surface and finds what is missing

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The decision to hire a Forensic Accountant can be a gamble. Not all possess critical characteristics such as being able to see beyond what is immediately in front of them utilizing a panoramic approach.  Traditionally, a CPA looks at historical data, and focuses on the” fairness” of financial statement presentations and the preparation of tax […]

Working together, Attorneys and Forensic Accountants Can Bring About Optimal Solutions

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There is a value added for a client when an Attorney is working in tandem with a forensic accountant. Litigation often involves overlapping complex accounting and legal issues. Working together, Attorneys and Forensic Accountants can bring about optimal solutions. Clients that work with one and exclude the other are putting themselves at a greater risk. […]