Foodman CPAs and Advisors

Mail Theft-Check Fraud

mail theft Robo de Correo

Back on February 27, 2023, FinCEN issued (in close collaboration with the United States Postal Inspection Service) an Alert on Nationwide Surge in Mail Theft-Related Check Fraud Schemes Targeting the U.S. Mail.  Then, on 9/9/24, FinCEN issued a Financial Trend Analysis related to  mail theft-check fraud incidents based on Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) data filed […]

BOI Reporting Companies Get More FinCEN Clarification

BOI Reporting companies Empresas Reportantes de BOI

On 9/10/24, FinCEN updated its BOI FAQs page by adding four new FAQs that provide more clarity to BOI Reporting Companies. The new FAQ’s address the areas of companies that cease to exist, foreign companies that stop doing business in the U.S. and beneficial owners. The last FinCEN update to BOI FAQs was on 7/24/24.  […]

Are Crowdfunding Monies Taxable?

crowdfunding monies Dineros de Crowdfunding

On August 2024, the IRS, for the third time in two years, reminded taxpayers that crowdfunding monies may be taxable.  Due to the popularity of crowdfunding monies raised online, the IRS issued News regarding how money raised through crowdfunding may be taxable via its First Notice as a Fact Sheet on March 2022 (FS-2022-20) and […]

Investment Adviser Sector and FinCEN

Investment Adviser Asesores de Inversión

FinCEN seeks to safeguard the investment adviser sector from illicit finance as evidenced by the issuance of the Final Investment Adviser Rule on 8/28/24 with a compliance date of 1/1/26.  The investment adviser sector final rule seeks to “address the current uneven application of AML/CFT requirements across the investment adviser sector, which creates illicit finance […]

Residential Real Estate and FinCEN

Real Estate Report From FinCEN Bienes Raíces Residenciales

FinCEN seeks to safeguard residential real estate as evidenced by the issuance of the Final Residential Real Estate Rule issued 8/28/24 and taking effect on 12/1/25.  The Final Rule requires “certain” industry professionals to report information (via the “Real Estate Report”) on non- financed transfers (cash sales)  to FinCEN given that residential real estate has […]

FinCEN Final New Rules Close Loopholes in U.S. Financial System

fincen final new rules FinCEN Nuevas Reglas Finales

On August 28, 2024, FinCEN Final New Rules were published that address vulnerabilities in the U.S. financial system and are part of an on going effort to combat illicit finance and protect U.S. national security, as well as closing loopholes in sectors that facilitate corruption, fraud and narcotrafficking.  FinCEN Final New Rules are two rules […]

IRS Report Card on Inflation Reduction Act

IRS Report Card Calificación del IRS

On 8/23/24, the IRS Report Card was released via Notice IR-2024-223 regarding the progress and improvements made possible by the Inflation Reduction Act (“IRA”).  The IRS Report Card states that the IRA has made it possible for the “IRS to uncover and address tax evasion shrouded in complexity that requires subject matter expertise and data […]

IRS Use of AI Can Close Tax GAP

IRS use of AI Uso de IA del IRS

On 10/12/23, the IRS announced new tax gap projections for tax years 2020 and 2021 showing the projected gross tax gap increased to $688 billion in tax year 2021, a rise of more than $192 billion from the prior estimates for tax years 2014-2016 and a rise of $138 billion from the revised projections for […]

ERC Voluntary Disclosure Program Re-Opens

ERC Voluntary Disclosure Program Programa Divulgación Voluntaria ERC

On 7/15/24, the IRS announced via Notice IR-2024-212 the re-opening of the ERC  (Employee Retention Credit) Voluntary Disclosure Program which will end on 11/22/24.  The first ERC Voluntary Disclosure Program  ended in March 2024 with more than 2,600 applications from ERC recipients that disclosed $1.09 billion worth of credits. In order to fix incorrect ERC […]

Taxpayers Abroad are Underserved and Challenged

Taxpayers abroad Contribuyentes en el Extranjero

The National Taxpayer Advocate 2023 Annual Report to Congress highlights how Taxpayers abroad are underserved and continue to face challenges in meeting their U.S. tax obligations.  As a result, the National Taxpayer Advocate has prioritized compliance challenges for taxpayers abroad in its FY 2025 Objectives Report to Congress. The Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS) is an […]

FinCEN BOI FAQs 7/24/24

FinCen BOI BOI de FinCEN

On 7/24/24, FinCEN updated its BOI FAQs page to include one new question and one new update.  FinCEN states that it will continue to provide guidance on how to submit beneficial ownership information; including updating the FinCEN BOI FAQs 7/24/24. FinCEN continues to provide further directive and information via the FinCEN BOI FAQs web page. […]

FinCEN Notice to Customers

FinCEN notice Aviso FinCEN a Clientes

“FinCEN encourages financial institutions to share this reference guide with customers that may be required to report beneficial ownership information” is the message that FinCEN released on 7/26/24.  The FinCEN Notice to Customers is intended to facilitate communication between Financial Institutions and customers regarding Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI) requirements.    The FinCEN Notice to Customers states […]