Foodman CPAs and Advisors

What is an Abusive Tax Trust?

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What is an Abusive Tax Trust? Article appeared at JD Supra on 8/9/19. In a “legitimate” Trust, the ownership and control of the Trust assets and income is “separate” from a Settlor’s control and benefit. IRS has been reporting that Trusts are used for abusive tax schemes to hide true ownership of assets and income, […]

An effective compliance program can help diminish an organizational criminal fine

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An effective compliance program can help diminish an organizational criminal fine. Article appeared at JD Supra on 7/30/19. On April 30, 2018, the Criminal Division of the US Department of Justice (DOJ) released a  guidance document regarding corporate compliance programs. The guidance looks at the adequacy and effectiveness of compliance programs (at the time of an […]

Understanding how Taxpayers may Appeal to the IRS Office of Appeals

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Understanding how Taxpayers may Appeal to the IRS Office of Appeals was published by JD Supra on 7/16/19. IRS has an Office of Appeals (OOA) that operates as an “independent” organization within the IRS. The goal of the OOA is to  help Taxpayers resolve their tax disputes through an informal, administrative process, and through weighting […]

Will the IRS Integrated Modernization Business Plan Work?

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Will the IRS Integrated Modernization Business Plan Work? was published by JD Supra on 7/19/19. On April 18, 2019, IRS released the IRS Integrated Modernization Business Plan April 2019(Plan) – a six year Plan designed to modernize the IRS’ technology systems, improve Taxpayer services and protect Taxpayer data. According to IRS, the Plan will cost between […]

Tax Scams put Taxpayers at Risk

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Tax Scams put Taxpayers at Risk was published by JD Supra on 7/9/19. The IRS produces a yearly list of Tax Scams known as the Dirty Dozen that Taxpayers may  encounter. IRS reiterates that Tax Scams put Taxpayers at Risk when it releases its list of Dirty Dozen Tax Scams. These aggressive Tax Scams that […]

IRS can Prove that a Taxpayer Under-Reported Income

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IRS can Prove that a Taxpayer Under-Reported Income was published by JD Supra on 6/18/19. There are Taxpayers that understate income, overstate expenses and present fraudulent claims on their tax returns for credits and deductions. These Taxpayers run the risk of being identified by the IRS and having IRS determine the Taxpayer’s taxable income (taxpayer […]

Taxpayers can be Embarrassed when IRS Contacts a Third-Party

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Taxpayers can be Embarrassed when IRS Contacts a Third-Party was published by JD Supra on 6/18/19. Under Internal Revenue Code (IRC), Subtitle F – Income Taxes, Chapter 78 – Discovery of Liability and Enforcement of Title, Subchapter A – Examination and Inspection – Section 7602, the IRS has the authority to  contact a Third-Party. IRC […]

Content Matters in a Suspicious Activity Report (SAR)

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Content Matters in a Suspicious Activity Report (SAR) was published by JD Supra on 6/4/19. The Suspicious Activity Report (SAR) was created by five federal financial agencies and the Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN). The purpose of the SAR is to report a suspicious transaction relevant to a possible violation of law or […]