Actualización de noticias sobre impuestos para los Contribuyentes Estadounidenses que viven en el Extranjero

Actualización de noticias sobre impuestos para los Contribuyentes Estadounidenses que viven en el Extranjero was published by JD Supra on 2/5/19. Pasaporte La capacidad del IRS para negar o revocar los Pasaportes de los Contribuyentes con “deuda tributaria gravemente morosa mayor de $50,000” es un problema abrumante que actualmente enfrentan los Contribuyentes de los Estados […]
U.S. Taxpayers living Abroad – Tax News Update

Tax News Update for U.S. Taxpayers living Abroad was published by JD Supra on 2/5/19. Passport The IRS ability to deny or revoke the Passports of Taxpayers with “seriously delinquent tax debt greater than $50,000” is a distressing problem currently being encountered by U.S. Taxpayers. The IRS is authorized to certify a Taxpayer’s seriously delinquent […]
¿Es hora de que las Instituciones Financieras Extranjeras contraten Representación ante el IRS?

¿Es hora de que las Instituciones Financieras Extranjeras contraten Representación ante el IRS? was published by JD Supra on 2/5/19. El Oficial Responsable (“RO”) de una Institución Financiera Extranjera Participante (“PFFI”) o una Institución Financiera Extranjera (“FFI”) Modelo 2 de Reporte estuvo obligado a presentar la Certificación FATCA de la FFI de las Cuentas Preexistentes […]
IRS Accuracy Related Penalties is the number one most litigated tax issue

IRS Accuracy Related Penalties is the number one most litigated tax issue was published by JD Supra on 1/29/19. The National Taxpayer Advocate 2017 Report to Congress states that the Accuracy-Related Penalty under Internal Revenue Code Section 6662 remains the number one most litigated tax issue and has been over the last four years. In the […]
What is new in a “nutshell” for FORM 1040 for TAX YEAR 2018

What is new in a “nutshell” for FORM 1040 for TAX YEAR 2018 was published by JD Supra on 1/29/19. For Tax Year 2018, Taxpayers will use the new and re-designed Form 1040 Although the IRS’s sentiment is that many Taxpayers will only need to file Form 1040 and none of the NEW NUMBERED SCHEDULES, […]
Four LATAM Countries will work as a TEAM to TACKLE TAX EVASION, Corruption and Other Financial Crimes

Four LATAM Countries will work as a TEAM to TACKLE TAX EVASION, Corruption and Other Financial Crimes was published by JD Supra on 1/29/19. The Global Forum and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) oversee the internationally agreed standards of tax transparency and exchange of information via the Common Reporting Standard (CRS). The […]
Tenga Cuidado con la Campaña de Precisión de Presentación de FATCA del IRS

Tenga Cuidado con la Campaña de Precisión de Presentación de FATCA del IRS was published on 1/23/19. El 30 de octubre del 2018, la división Internacional y de Grandes Empresas del IRS (“LBI”) anunció la aprobación de una campaña de cumplimiento que incluye cómo las Instituciones Financieras Extranjeras (“FFIs)) y ciertas Entidades Extranjeras No Financieras […]
Beware of the IRS FATCA Filing Accuracy Campaign

Beware of the IRS FATCA Filing Accuracy Campaign was published by JD Supra on 1/23/19. On October 30, 2018, the IRS Large Business and International division (LBI) announced the approval of a compliance campaign regarding Foreign Financial Institution (FFI) and certain Non-Financial Foreign Entity reporting of foreign assets held by their U.S. account holders and substantial […]
No Ponga en Peligro su Pasaporte: ¡El Departamento de Estado de los Estados Unidos se mantiene indemne!

No Ponga en Peligro su Pasaporte: ¡El Departamento de Estado de los Estados Unidos se mantiene indemne! was published by JD Supra on 1/23/19. La habilidad del IRS de poder negar o revocar los Pasaportes de los Contribuyentes con “deuda tributaria gravemente morosa” es un problema serio que actualmente enfrentan los Contribuyentes de los Estados Unidos. […]
Is it time for Foreign Financial Institutions to hire IRS Representation?

Is it time for Foreign Financial Institutions to hire IRS Representation? published by JD Supra on 1/23/19. The Responsible Officer (RO) of a Participating Foreign Financial Institution (PFFI) or Reporting Model 2 FFI is required to file the FFI’s FATCA certification of an Entity’s preexisting accounts (COPA) and its Periodic Certification (PC) relating to an […]
Don’t Jeopardize Your Passport: The US State Department Is Held Harmless!

Don’t Jeopardize Your Passport: The US State Department Is Held Harmless! was published by the Daily Business review on 1/8/19.
Due Diligence is necessary for Taxpayers to have the Right TAX Representative

Due Diligence is necessary for Taxpayers to have the Right TAX Representative was published by JD Supra on 1/8/19. As 2018 comes to an end, many Taxpayers are wondering about their tax reporting situation under the Tax Cut Jobs Act. Taxpayers ought to be asking themselves if their Tax Representative understands: Although you itemized deductions […]