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Traps for the Unwary: Are Financial Institution receiving adequate FATCA consulting and training?

May 2017

FATCA is Chapter 4 of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC).   It conscripts Foreign Financial Institutions (FFIs) to act as reporting and withholding agents for the U.S. Government.  To enforce its conscription, it contains a mechanism for financially penalizing FFIs that

  • JD Supra
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US Banks wanting to be ahead of the FATCA game must master international tax compliance

May 2017

The terms FDAP (Fixed, Determinable Annual and Periodical Income) and ECI (Effectively Connected Income) are expansive terms. They are the backbone behind the tax withholding, and reporting requirements imposed on US Banks with respect to outbound payments. Many of the

  • JD Supra
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Employee Business Expenses must be Ordinary and Necessary

April 2017

Employees may be able to deduct their work related expenses as an itemized deduction.  These expenses must be unreimbursed expenses that are ordinary and necessary to their work as an employee.  According to IRS, an ordinary expense is one that

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Is the Perception That the US Continues to Be a Tax Haven a Reality?

April 26 2017

Is the Perception That the US Continues to Be a Tax Haven a Reality? was published by the Daily Business Review on 4/26/17.

  • Daily Business Review
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Debit cards, Offshore Funds and a John Doe Summons

April 2017

IRS remains committed to its priority efforts to stop offshore tax evasion wherever it occurs.  It pursues cases in all jurisdictions of the world.  Over the years, numerous individuals have been identified as evading US taxes by hiding income in

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Colombia criminaliza la evasión fiscal

April 2017

El 12/29/2016, el Congreso de Colombia aprobó la “Ley 1819 de 2016”. La nueva legislación es una reforma tributaria estructural encaminada principalmente a aumentar los ingresos para Colombia. Colombia sufrió una pérdida de ingresos cuando los precios del petróleo se

  • JD Supra
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Colombia criminalizes Tax Evasion

April 2017

On 12/29/2016, Colombia Congress approved “Law 1819 of 2016”.  The new legislation is a structural tax reform primarily aimed at increasing revenues for Colombia. Colombia suffered a loss of revenues when crude oil prices plummeted beginning in 2014. The loss

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Is your Tax Preparer qualified to do your Return? Beware of Tax Preparers without a Preparer Tax Identification Number (PTIN) or Not Listed on the IRS Directory

March 2017

Do you think that you have hired the right Tax Preparer to prepare your Taxes?  Tax Season is here and many Tax Preparers portray themselves as “Qualified”.  Tax Preparers have different levels of skills, education and expertise and Taxpayers ought

  • JD Supra
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Tax Preparation is NOT a Commodity

March 2017

As we approach this year’s tax filing deadline of April 18th, do you think that you have your Tax Return and tax preparation under control?  Before you answer yes, take the time to examine and evaluate who is preparing your

  • JD Supra
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The Value of Forensic Accountants Goes Beyond the Courtroom

March 2017

Forensic Accountants play an integral role in the changing landscape of today’s business management and oversight.  Successful business owners prepare for the possibility of malware attacks, internal fraud, lawsuits, accounting irregularities and white collar crimes. Existing or potential dispute resolution

  • JD Supra
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IRS will not Quit

March 2017

Voluntary compliance is the foundation of our US tax system. Taxpayers determine the correct amount of their tax and complete appropriate returns, rather than the Government determine their tax for them. According to the Internal Revenue Code (the law of

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Voices Can non-GAAP measurements be misleading?

March 2017

Voices Can non-GAAP measurements be misleading? was published by Accounting today on 3/6/17. Securities Exchange Commission reporting companies are more frequently utilizing non-GAAP financial measures if they believe that they will more accurately and completely reflect their results of operations

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