El Fraude es el Delito Número Uno en el Lavado de Dinero
En febrero de 2024, el Tesoro de los Estados Unidos publicó la Evaluación Nacional de Riesgo de Lavado de Dinero (NMLRA) de 2024, que examina el entorno actual de lavado de dinero e identifica las formas en que los delincuentes y otros actores buscan lavar fondos. La Evaluación tiene como objetivo: informar la comprensión del […]
Fraud is the Number One Crime in Money Laundering
On February 2024, the U.S. Treasury released the 2024 National Money Laundering Risk Assessment (NMLRA) which examines the current money laundering environment and identifies the ways in which criminals and other actors seek to launder funds. The Assessment aims to: inform the understanding of illicit finance risk by governmental and private sector actors, strengthen risk […]
Cuidado con las Estafas de Activos Digitales
Las estafas de activos digitales pueden ocurrir de diferentes maneras a través de varias vías diferentes. Aunque las formas y los caminos difieren, el resultado final es siempre el mismo: hay un estafador que intenta apropiarse de los fondos del consumidor a través de la interacción humano-máquina. La Comisión Federal de Comercio (“Federal Trade Commission” […]
Crimen Corporativo a la Vanguardia del DOJ
El 15 de septiembre del 2022, la Fiscal General Diputada del Departamento de Justicia (DOJ), Lisa Monaco, pronunció comentarios sobre la ejecución penal corporativa en el Programa de Cumplimiento y Cumplimiento Corporativo de “NYU” y anunció una nueva Guía para las Políticas de Ejecución Corporativa del DOJ. La nueva Guía sobre el crimen corporativo se […]
El Fraude Ocupacional es el Delito Financiero más Común
“El fraude ocupacional es muy probablemente la forma de delito financiero más costosa y común del mundo”, según el Reporte a las Naciones del 2022 emitido por la Asociación de Examinadores de Fraude Certificados (ACFE), la organización antifraude más grande del mundo. El Reporte afirma que “incluso con el cambio hacia los pagos digitales, los […]
Occupational Fraud is the Most Common Financial Crime
“Occupational Fraud is very likely the costliest and most common form of financial crime in the world” as per the 2022 Report to the Nations issued by the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) – the world’s largest anti-fraud organization. The Report states that “even with the shift toward digital payments, remote work environments, and […]
What To Do If The IRS Wants to Audit You
Rule #1: Don’t Panic! Under the Biden Administration’s proposed American Families Tax Plan, there is the possibility of more tax audits, but only for a certain groups of high income people. That’s because more information would be reported to the IRS. The proposed Biden Plan could increase that substantially because the IRS would be receiving […]
El IRS agregó recientemente nuevas categorías de fraude fiscal En su Manual de Fraude actualizado recientemente, el IRS agrega nuevas categorías de fraude fiscal, incluyendo el ocultamiento de cuentas bancarias nacionales o extranjeras y activos digitales como la moneda virtual. Y están ansiosos por enjuiciar. El nivel de detalle en el Manual de Fraude proporciona […]
How a Forensic Accountant Can Help Attorneys in Tax Fraud Cases
The IRS recently added new categories of tax fraud In its recently updated Fraud Handbook, the IRS adds new categories of tax fraud, including concealing domestic or foreign bank accounts and digital assets such as virtual currency. And they are anxious to prosecute. The level of detail in the Fraud Handbook provides a roadmap for […]
How is your Organization’s Performance with Respect to Fraud?
US Regulations including the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), Sarbanes-Oxley Act and Anti-Bribery legislation require that Management in a business have a zero tolerance for fraud and have an Audit Committee in place that will establish the procedures for receipt of complaints and anonymous employee tips with respect to irregularities in accounting methods, internal controls, […]
IRS Agents Use Methods of Proof
The IRS has tools inside of its Internal Revenue Manual (“IRM”) available to its agents for determining a Taxpayer’s taxable income as well as documenting its adjustments and corrections through what it calls “Methods of Proof”. The IRM describes seven Methods of Proof for use by its agents who are pursuing its civil or criminal […]
A Forensic Accountant digs beneath the surface and finds what is missing
The decision to hire a Forensic Accountant can be a gamble. Not all possess critical characteristics such as being able to see beyond what is immediately in front of them utilizing a panoramic approach. Traditionally, a CPA looks at historical data, and focuses on the” fairness” of financial statement presentations and the preparation of tax […]