
“Attachés” de la Tesorería, Enlaces de Unidades de Inteligencia Financiera Extranjera e Instituciones Financieras Extranjeras

February 2020

La Ley ALD del 2020 (“AML Act of 2020”) incluye la creación de los “Attachés de la Tesorería”, ” (SEC. 6106, designados por el Departamento del Tesoro de los Estados Unidos) y los “Enlaces de la Unidad de Inteligencia Financiera

  • Foodman website and JD Supra
long reach

Foreign Bank and the New Longer Arm of the US Treasury and DOJ

February 2020

Before passage of the AML ACT of 2020 (the “ACT”), The US Department of the Treasury, and the US Justice Department (DOJ) had US legal authority to subpoena foreign banks with US correspondent accounts for related US records including records

  • Foodman website and JD Supra
long reach

Bancos Extranjeros y el Nuevo Alcance de Brazo Largo del Tesoro de los EE. UU y el “DOJ”

February 2021

Antes de la aprobación de la LEY AML del 2020 (“AML ACT of 2020”), el Departamento del Tesoro de los EE. UU. y el Departamento de Justicia de los EE. UU. (“DOJ”) tenían la autoridad para citar (“subpoena”) a los

  • Foodman website and JD Supra

¡Después de Diez Años, FATCA NO SE VA!

January 2021

FATCA se convirtió en ley en Marzo del 2010 con el objetivo de combatir el incumplimiento de la declaración del impuesto sobre la renta internacional por parte de ciudadanos estadounidenses y residentes contribuyentes estadounidenses (contribuyentes estadounidenses). Requiere que las Instituciones

  • Foodman website and JD Supra

Comisionado del IRS envía un Mensaje Importante a los Contribuyentes de Altos Ingresos que No Declaran

January 2021

El 3 de diciembre del 2020, el IRS publicó “Cómo el IRS prioriza el trabajo de cumplimiento en los no declarantes de altos ingresos a través de esfuerzos nacionales e internacionales” en el Estudio titulado “Closer Look”.  El estudio se

  • Foodman website and JD Supra
dbr logo

Should Banks Continue To Do Business with Entities for Which a SAR is Filed?

December 20202

Should Banks Continue To Do Business with Entities for Which a SAR is Filed? This article appeared at the Daily Business Review on 12/23/20    

  • Daily Business Review

After Ten Years, FATCA is NOT GOING AWAY!

December 2020

FATCA was signed into law in March 2010 with the objective of combating international income tax reporting non-compliance by US citizens and U.S. taxpaying residents (US Taxpayers). It requires Foreign Financial Institutions (FFIs) to annually report the reportable balances and

  • Foodman website and JD Supra

“Reasonable Cause” When Dealing with the IRS

December 2020

On November 5, 2020, the IRS removed the Delinquent Information Submission Procedure Program from its Offshore Compliance Options Menu.  Before the removal of this program, a US Taxpayer could file a “delinquent” international information tax return with what is known

  • Foodman website and JD Supra

What can I do if I made a willful mistake and willfully failed to comply with my tax obligations?

Voluntary compliance is the foundation of the US tax system. Although the majority of US Taxpayers voluntarily comply with their obligations, some fail to do so (willful mistake). Submitting a voluntary disclosure via the Voluntary Disclosure Practice may resolve a

  • Foodman website and JD Supra

IRS Commissioner Hylton sends an important message to high income non-filers

December 2020

On December 3, 2020, the IRS published  “How the IRS prioritizes compliance work on high income non-filers through national and international efforts” in the Closer Look.    It addresses how the IRS is in pursuit of high-income non-filers as an important

  • Foodman website and JD Supra

¿Mantiene su Institución Financiera un Cumplimiento Continuo con FATCA?

December 2020

La participación en FATCA no es una opción, llegó para quedarse y es parte de una iniciativa global. FATCA es complicado, y para los banqueros, ha implicado aprender nueva terminología y comprender en exceso de un mil de páginas de

  • Foodman website and JD Supra

Is your Financial Institution Maintaining Continuous Compliance with FATCA?

December 2020

Participation in FATCA is not an option, it is here to stay, and it is part of a global initiative. FATCA is complicated, and for the bankers, it has implied learning new terminology and understanding thousands of pages of a

  • Foodman website and JD Supra
